Designed for both homeowners and travelers, myhabi is a platform to help people rent their properties and to connect home owners with renters.

For homeowners, the property may be your primary home, a vacation home, or a rental property.

We've designed the myhabi platform around fair pricing and transparency.
Home Image

house picture

Invite potential guests and manage your rental calendar in a platform based on fair pricing and privacy.

hiking picture

Stay at a house, booked through an invitation-based platform focused on fair pricing. Have fun without overpaying!

Our Story

myhabi grew out of the realization that "repeat renting" - renting where the owner and renter have had previous dealings - is a very different proposition from rentals between unknown parties. There is a level of trust and familiarity between owner and renter and often between renter and rental property. Given the greater level of knowledge, we feel it is appropriate to change the paradigm:

  • By private invitation - Anyone can list their house on myhabi but only potential renters that are invited by the home owner can see that listing.
  • Low and balanced fees - Since using myhabi is a lower risk proposition, the fees for both renter and owner should be lower and more equally loaded.
  • Ease of communication - Since there is a connection between renter and owner, myhabi doesn't try to limit communication between the two parties. If you want to email your renter, go for it. If you want to communicate through the app, that works too.

So, welcome to myhabi!

how it works Image

How it works

Owner builds a listing

The rental listing allows you to communicate your house's attributes to your renters. Our template includes:
  • Rental costs
  • Scheduling parameters
  • Pictures
  • Amenities
  • Beds and baths
  • Highlights

Owner invites guests

myhabi is an invitation based platform. This means that no one but the people that are invited by the owner can see the listing.

Owner and renter connect

Renting your house in myhabi is easy! The process involves:
  1. Renter requests a rental time period
  2. Owner accepts
  3. Renter makes the initial (50%) payment
  4. Renter makes the final payment
  5. The renter has a great stay!

Data Privacy

Data privacy can be really complicated...or it can be really simple. We choose simple! We do not sell, lend, give, barter, or swap your data with anyone (unless compelled to by law!)

We do:
  • Encrypt passwords.
  • Utilize a 3rd party payment system and leverage their security.
We do NOT:
  • Divulge your information to anyone unless required by law.
  • Track your use of the system.
  • Store your credit card.
  • Use persistent cookies.
click here for full policy

We only use cookies required for the operation of our site. These include temporary cookies to keep you logged in during your session, cookies to prove that you aren't a 🤖 (Google Recaptcha) and cookies to display nice maps (Mapquest). We do not use tracking cookies. Learn more